Friday 5 June 2015


So the forecast was right and we set off from school on a lovely sunny morning.

Once we were unpacked and settled into camp we were off to our first activity - The Perch! This is a real knee trembler and involves climbing up to a small platform and leaping off!

When everyone had taken their turn we went back to camp for lunch.

Then it was time for another activity - zip wire. Students had been asked to keep Zoe and Elliott away from cameras to limit the number of selfies but sadly they managed to get hold of the camera!

We then went back to camp for a well deserved snack and drink. Then it was time to abseil.

Back to camp for a dinner of burgers, fajitas, coleslaw and chips. Once fully rested we were off to our final activity of a very busy day - low ropes. This is a team activity and involves helping each other over 14 obstacles - if you fall off its back to the beginning!

This was a great finish to our activities for the day and lots of fun was had by all. Unfortunately some of the students decided to follow Zoe and Elliott in taking selfies!

Then it was time for hot chocolate, s'mores and damper dough round the camp fire. This is always a popular activity in camp.

After a shower it was story time with Mrs Nash.

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